Tuesday, October 20, 2015


While there are many definitions of what a business coach is, in this blog we are suggesting the coach is just that, a coach.  Think of a football team.  The coach and the player (business owner) meet regularly to go over what is working and tweaking what’s not working.  They may research the competition to judge their strengths and weaknesses, and develop plays (strategies) to ensure their team comes out on top.

The coach doesn’t go out on the field and pass the ball around, tackle the guy in front of them (or whatever else football players do), they specifically stay on the sidelines and help the players remember the details of the plays they have been working on.  When discouraged, players get a pep-talk; when they do something stupid, they get a bit of a scolding.  Coaches help business owners see the lesson in the midst of the turmoil, and they help us look past the fog of uncertainty into the future that is within his/her reach. 

Just as there are a variety of coaches on a football team, each with a special focus, a savvy entrepreneur will also chose to work with a variety of business coaches.  A sales coach is very different from a strategic planning coach, just as a technology coach is different from a speaker’s coach.  You may find someone that has coaching skills in a few different areas. However I suggest you, like Woodrow Wilson “not only use all the brains that [you] have, but all that [you] can borrow.” 

Let me know if you need the name of a great coach for your business.  It's one of the ways I help you FOCUS!

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